The Power of the Drum pays homage to the power of the drum as a reflection of the resilience, adaptability, creativity, and autonomy of the Cuban Diaspora in the midst of struggle, crisis, and uncertainty. Weaving drumming, dance, text, projection and sound together, The Power of the Drum offers a one-of-a-kind, immersive dance/theatre experience. It is based on the premise that for the AfroCuban people, arts and culture are not just forms of entertainment, but messengers and affirmations of culture and spirituality that form an essential part of both collective and personal identities.
Be sure to come early to enjoy the Orisha Exhibit by Tyler Baker Photography co-created with Harold Ferran Molina and Diosleydis Hardisson, Principal Dancers of the Conjunto Folklorico Nacional De Cuba, and shot on location in Habana.
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“There’s something startlingly warming about the production: hot colours, hot expressive movement … hot vibrations in your ribcage that make your feet move.”
-Liz Nicholls,

“I am thrilled for the opportunity to develop Power of the Drum into a full theatre production that will do justice to its objective, so relevant not only for the current political situation in my home country but the issues that sadly still persist with people of African heritage in North America. I believe the story of resilience and hope that is at the heart of Power of the Drum is a story that needs to be told, and the support of RISER Edmonton will truly enable me and my collective creative team to bring it to its full creative potential.”
-Leo Gonzalez, Cuban Movements Dance Academy
Choreographer/Associate Director: Leo Gonzalez
Producer/Director/Playwright: Cecilia Ferreyra
Stage Manager/Sound Designer: Kena León
Production Manager/Lighting Designer: Kat Evans
Music Director: Nathan Ouellette
Assistant Choreographer: Raydel Martinez Portuondo
Assistant Scenic/Costume Designer and Make Up: Amalia Cameron
Visuals/Lobby Exhibit: Tyler Baker PhotographyVideo Designer: John Evans
Dancers: Leo Gonzalez, Raydel Martinez Portuondo, Ingrid Díaz Céspedes
Drummer: Nathan Ouellette
Narrator: Cecilia Ferreyra