Renowned DJ Eme and gifted high school student Lina are queer, Filipinx immigrants. Under the spotlights of coming-of-age and her extravagant family-planned “debut,” Lina’s decision about coming out may change hers and Eme’s lives forever. The Debut is a heartfelt and music-filled ode to finding yourself in a backdrop of mixtapes and setlists.
Event Warnings: Haze, moving lights, mild burning/smoke.
Content Warnings
Loss of a family member, expressed homophobia, coarse language.
Tuesday May 14: Mask Mandatory Performance
All audiences for this performance are asked to wear a face covering, medical mask, or KN-95. KN-95s will be provided on site at no cost.
Wednesday May 15 & Saturday May 18 (8pm): ASL Interpreted
These two performances will include ASL interpretation featuring Gail Benin and Diane DeAndrade. Special thanks to coordinator Robyn Lavender. Check out the video below for an ASL vlog from local theatre artist Thurga Kanagasekarampillai.
Friday May 17: Brown Out Performance
Common Ground and HOY! Productions are presenting Friday May 17 as a “Brown-Out Performance”. This performance is reserved for those who identify in Filipinx and other BIPOC communities. Black and Brown Out Nights are events dedicated to celebrating with the communities reflected on stage. No ticketholder will be turned away from this performance, but we encourage audiences who are not Filipino or part of other racialized groups to attend other showtimes.
Cast & Creative Team
HOY! Productions acknowledges and thanks the following funding organizations for their support: Edmonton Arts Council, Edmonton Community Foundation, Canada Council for the Arts