Islands of Utopia: Veden äärellä

Queen Elizabeth Park Road
  • Jul 05, 7:00 PM
  • Jul 06, 5:00 PM
  • Jul 07, 2:00 PM (ASL Interpreted)
25 minutes

Physical and playful, this piece unfolds with the River Valley as a setting and invites us to reflect on our experiences, memories, and significant moments with the water around us.

Venue: Queen Elizabeth Park (West, near ÎNÎW River Lot 11∞ Indigenous Art Park)

Age Rating: All ages.


July 4-7, 2024

Performed by Deviani Andrea and Janita Frantsi.
Music by Aaron Macri.

Veden äärellä Tells the story of two friends growing nearby the North Saskatchewan River. Physical and playful, this piece unfolds with the River Valley as a setting and invites us to reflect on our experiences, memories, and significant moments with the water around us.  

Photos by Dani Torres.

How to Access the Show!

Islands of Utopia is located in the picnic area, just south of ÎNÎW Indigenous Art Park. The area is accessible step-free via the public parking lot that is immediately adjacent, just west off Queen Elizabeth Park Road. Keep an eye out for Found Festival signage that will point the way!

Follow the artists:
@deviani.andrea / @janitafr on Instagram.