Lucky Charm

  • Jul 07, 4:00 PM – 5:00 PM (SOLD OUT)
60 minutes
Harry Houdini has died. Nevertheless, his wife would like a word…
Inspired by the seances held by Bess Houdini after her husband’s death, Lucky Charm is an immersive exploration of grief and the magical possibilities in the unknown.

Venue: A secret location in Old Strathcona.

Age Rating: 18+


July 4-7, 2024

Created and performed by Louise Casemore.
Dramaturgy by Beth Graham.

From 1894 to 1926, Bess was married to the most famous magician in the world. That is, until he died under mysterious circumstances.

Now, you’re invited to step on up! Satisfy your curiosity! Don’t be disappointed!

For the price of a token, you’ll be permitted to venture inside the home where Mrs. Houdini sleeps, eats, and does her damndest every single week to make contact with her dearly departed.

Watch from the gallery, or have a seat at the séance table.

Treat yourself to a spectacular display of grace, grief, and with any luck: a little terror and delight of the paranormal. Behold as we explore one of the greatest mysteries from the four corners of the earth: the palpitating possibility of LIFE AFTER DEATH.

Content Warnings

Grief, death, ghosts, paranormal.

Follow the artists:
@ladyjerkdaniels on Instagram.

Creative Team

Louise Casemore

Playwright, Fresh AiR Artist

Beth Graham


Jake Tkaczyk
